Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Little Miracle

Today I am thankful that for the first time in about 3 months, my 3-year old son James was well-behaved in church and did not have to be taken out to the hallway on account of his being very disruptive and loud.  He sat and looked quietly at books with his older brother, and then drew some pictures with a pencil and paper.  He only had to go out once, and that was to use the bathroom.  I owe a big debt of gratitude to my son Adam as well, for being the extra pair of helping hands I needed to keep James happy and quiet.  Adam had been helping James by being his special buddy all morning, and they were happy to sit together during the meeting and be quiet and nice to each other.  If any of you have seen the 3-ring circus James and I have been putting on down on the front row of the chapel each week, then you know what a nice little miracle today was for me.  

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